I am constantly admiring traits in other people's lives. Their cute house, sweet kiddos, large income, great attitude, organizational skills and on and on. But the thing that I find myself admiring most of all is other's bodies. How flat their stomach is, or how thin or strong, toned, or tubby they look. That intense admiration of what other bodys have that I lack is my primary reason for starting this blog and naming it what I did. The name is to remind me of what I have in my life that I should be enjoying, but also to remind myself that with some effort, those admirable things are attainable for me too!
One a related note, I would consider myself fit. However, I struggle with a lot of self-loathing and doubt when it comes to my body. My primary challenge is managing my eating, cravings and alcohol intake. So, here is my plan to begin tackling those problem areas.
* For the next thirty days I will be participating in the Burpee Challenge hosted by Scott at Your Inner Skinny http://www.yourinnerskinny.ca/
I started this challenge this morning. I chose to begin my challenge at the highest level that Scott recommends for 2 reasons. 1. I like a challenge. 2. I feel like I am a seasoned veteran at burpees between my boot camp, lunch time work out with Russ (he calls it cross fit. It’s not.) and personal training sessions.
So, the way the challenge works is that you do burpees every day for one month, adding one burpee more than you did the day before. This morning I did 15, so tomorrow I will do 16. Honestly, I did not feel great after my 15 this morning. I was fine until number 10, then they got hard, I was SUPER winded and ready to stop. Hard to believe that on June 16th I will be doing 45 of those babies-YIKES!
I also have put a lot of thinking into this next goal.
* For the next 30 days No Booze. Not a drop.
The problem? I’m not ready to commit to it yet. I know I should. I feel 1,000,000,000,000,000 times better when I dont drink. But I know it will not be fun to turn down drinks with friends. Those 30 days will require a little bit more will power than I am willing to put towards it right now. Great- now I sound like an alcoholic. Maybe I will start this challenge today. If not, tomorrow, there is always tomorrow.
What's your vote? Start the no booze challenge today...or tomorrow? Any tips on getting/staying motivated or exercising my will power muscle?
I hardly ever drink anymore. Maybe I'll have a glass of wine every few months. And you KNOW how I used pack away the alcohol. I don't miss it at all. I feel awesome all the time now. Good luck!